Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Myths and Facts about Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular and effective methods to get rid of unwanted hair. But with all good things come certain precautions and care.

If one were to ask why don't they go for laser hair removal treatment? Most would say that they have heard lasers are not safe and cause side-effects. But the reality is far away than these myths. That’s why we are here to explain some of the most common myths that revolve around Laser Hair Removal.

Here are the some of myths which are not at all true.

Laser Hair Removal Doesn't Work on all Skins:

This myth arises from the fact that darker skin absorbs more light emitted by the laser in comparison to brown or white skin. As dark skin also have melanin in skin apart from hair follicles, so it becomes difficult for laser energy to destroy melanin in hair. Therefore won’t work well on dark skin. Yes, this was true about a decade before but not now. Modern Laser Machines are much more powerful and advanced than which were used before. By using suitable wavelength and pulse, it is not much difficult today to get results on dark skin also.

Laser Hair Removal Damage Skin

Laser Technique today is much more safer. If done by well-experienced doctors. You can experience some side effects for a short time (which are easily reversible) but there is no evidence that supports that laser hair removal has given any long-term skin damage. Some of the common side effects that may occur on sensitive skin include scaring, skin darkening or lightening, blistering, scab formation or crusting. It is advised that before going for laser removal always ask your doctor to first test a laser on a small patch of skin. In this way, a sensitivity of skin will be checked and you will be assured about the results.

Advice on Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is one of the most effective, reliable and advanced procedures for getting rid of unwanted hairs. Most of the myths around Laser Hair Removal are just a figment of peoples. So, if you want to undergo laser hair removal, just go for it and consult an experienced Hair removal clinic.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

How to Boost Up your Hair Growth after FUE Hair Transplant

Increasing hair loss made worried many people and required to choose Hair Loss Treatment that is the main reason why hair transplant in India is becoming more common.

However, it should be noted that hair transplant is a surgical procedure and not a magic. So, it is really important for every person undergoing the hair transplant to remain patient for the hair growth as the results take time and can vary from person to person.

There are few points which will help you boost up your hair growth after hair transplant-

  • Itching and scabbing are common after hair transplant surgery. So, avoid scratching your scalp and keep your fingers distant.
  • Try to avoid all physical activities, which can cause sweating like such as jogging, outdoor sports, etc. for at least 10 days . 
  • The sweat is really harmful to your transplanted hair so try to avoid physical activities and wear a hat while going outside. 
  • Try to avoid alcohol and those foods that you may be affected, like soy, wheat, and dairy etc.
  • Vitamins are necessary for speed up hair growth process. Eat antioxidant foods like blueberries, squash, peppers, cherries and tomatoes.
  • Massage your scalp with the mixture of essential oils, apply this mixture of oil to your scalp and massage moderately once or two times every day.

Benefits of FUE Hair Transplant in Chandigarh- 

  • It is a painless hair transplant method.
  • It doesn’t leave any visible scars on the scalp.
  • It has a quick recovery and healing process.
  • Body hair also used in this method if a patient has less donor hair.
  • It shows permanent and natural hair results.

If you are still suffering from any hair problem then get an FUE hair transplant in Chandigarh.


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hair Transplant Method and Cost in Chandigarh

Hair transplant treatment is a truly a new method to resolve the issue of baldness and hair loss. Hair transplants are a popular hair treatment method today, but they are also  most expensive. In this article, I am going to discuss with you the hair  transplants cost and method in Chandigarh.

What is Hair Transplant –

What Is Hair Transplant? Simply put, a hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of hair from one area of the scalp (the donor site) and transplantation onto another (the recipient site). This is performed by a hair restoration surgeon, and it is one of the most well-known hair loss treatment on the market. 

FUT and FUE Hair Transplant Methods – 

The two main types of Hair Transplant procedures clinics use are FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

One fact you should take note here is that The FUT method though, older, involves cutting and removing a strip of skin and hair on your scalp. It is divided to transplanted into thinning and balding areas. After the procedure, a scar is usually left at the donor site, which can be covered by hair, and requires a lengthy aftercare schedule. 

FUT  Hair Transplant Method –

The FUT method, though more recent make use of the advancement made in the field of hair treatment. Small incisions are made around each hair follicle unit, which is then prepared and transplanted to the thinning or balding area. This takes longer than the FUT method but there is aftercare schedule. 

Cost of Hair Transplant –

 Cost of hair transplant depends on three things-

  • Number of graft required to transplant
  • Hair transplant technique  
  • Donor area 
Hair Transplant Cost in Chandigarh – 

Hair transplant cost was the major issue that some people can’t afford it but now there are many clinics which provide cost effective transplant, like you can go for the JBOC Clinic for the affordable Hair Transplant Cost In Chandigarh.


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Tips How to Find The Best ACNE Treatment

There are different types of acne that can simply ruin your appearance. From blackheads to whiteheads to blind pimples and cystic zits, it is difficult to identify and deal with different kinds of acne. 

There is lot of ambiguity which always surrounds acne. In the initial stages nobody can say it with confidence if it would happen or not and if they do then what would be the cause of it! Because it’s not heredity and depends upon skin type of each and every person!! You can’t pick or burst them as it would leave a mark and result in blemishing. The real deal is to do something to get rid of it, something which doesn’t leave any scars, cause irritation or severe scaling of your skin. But how to find best acne treatment which is effective for your skin! Here is some points to identifying best acne treatment for you!

Stop Copying

Trying acne regimen that cleared up your friend’s skin or the cream that celebrities advertise to get rid of pimples overnight is not something which can stop your acne. Hence if you are in search for best treatment which can cure your acne then your first step should be to stop copying over the medication as all acne is not equal.  

Know About Your Skin Type

know about your skin type before you  trying any Skin Treatment in Chandigarh. Acne generally happens on oily surface and makesthe surface dry, hence before choosing any ointment or natural remedy you should ensure that you have the relevant skin type for that one. If you are unaware of this fact and accidently land up using wrong product then your acne would not be cured and rather make your skin.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Top 3 Important Facts You Should Know About Hair Transplant

We all know that women and men both suffer from hair loss problems. Most of the people are not aware of what actually is going on with their hair. Hair that we consider beautiful and shiny, are basically dead tissues. However, they are still capable of responding to good or bad treatments. Therefore, mistreating them is not an option. 

 Get the Facts

  • Race, Skin & Hair Type 

This is not about being racist here. Since we are not all white or colored, there are some unique traits that go with our skin and hair type. This uniqueness also applies to Hair Transplant in Chandigarh if you have to do one.

For all its worth, you will need to go to a surgeon who is experienced or has regularly treated patients of your skin type. It is the best decision you have to make if you want the best result possible with maximum success. You should go to a Hair Transplant Surgeon that does know  how to care for your skin and hair type.

  • The Density of Transplanted Hair

A lot of people have the opinion that if they undergo Hair transplantation for baldness, they will have a head full of dense hair. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. It is not that the surgeon does not know what he or she is doing or the procedure used is outdated, it is because the results will vary according to the type of hair, the extent of baldness and the amount of hair available in the donor area and other kinds of any specific individual variables.

  • Permanent Solution for Baldness

As far as baldness is concerned, Hair Transplant Treatment is a permanent solution to it. The only bitter truth is that not all cases of baldness can be rectified via a hair treatment. Your physician will be in the best position to identify the damage extent and the necessary solution.

Nevertheless, what works for one person may not work for another. Consult with your physician to see which option (if any) would suit your condition.